
Establishing TDL-networks via packet based Wide Area connections:

  • The software operates as a Multi-connection application router and interconnects multiple SIMPLE/JRE-nodes in a way that the nodes can exchange tactical data in a point-to-multipoint-environment. Additionally it processes and generates SIMPLE/JRE management messages.
  • The Multilink-Controller provides up to 30 connection channels, either incoming or outgoing, TCP or UDP.
  • A cascaded architecture using multiple Multilink-Controllers subordinated to each other is possible. This setup provides a more efficient usage of connection lines, because all data from the local nodes will be integrated in one data stream.
  • The Multilink-Controller accepts all user packets of STANAG 5602, especially Link 16, Link 11, Link 22. The packet type implementation of the Multilink-Controller is based on Edition 3 of STANAG 5602 and MIL-STD-3011C.



Runs on 64bit PCs using Windows 7 and 10

USERS: German Armed Forces, NATO, Airbus

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